Are You a Mary, or a Martha?

I am a Martha. I can’t help it. I am always making lists of things to do and I enjoy that feeling of satisfaction when I can cross things off. Done!
Unfortunately, this means that I am a “task oriented” person rather than a “people oriented” person.  Or put more simply, I am more inclined to make a priority out of to-do lists than people.
I Know! It sounds terrible!
Since I understand this about myself, I know that I have to put “read to babies” and “call sister-in-law” on that to-do list. I was relieved when my wonderful godly grandmother told me one day that I am just like her in that way! I want to be like her – and she seems to have a good balance between getting things done and loving people – that means there is hope for me!
When I started thinking about writing this blog, I thought of a small story in the Bible.
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" 
 “Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."  Luke 10:38-42 NIV
I know that Jesus was not telling Martha that she should never apply herself to a task and get things done. But I do believe that He was simply reminding her that there is a time for completing tasks, and a time for sitting at His feet and listening to Him,
Enjoying His presence,
Worshiping Him.
He was saying that His time with them was shorter than she thought, and that, if she only knew, she would order take out instead of trying to put on an impressive spread, and sit down by Him too,
because that was the better choice at that moment.

What I want is to strike that balance somewhere between Mary and Martha.
I want to get things done.
But I also want to take the time to sit at Jesus' feet and enjoy His presence.
That is my goal, not just for this year, but for the rest of my life…
So I am sharing my journey with you, and hoping that you will share your journey with me.

photo credit


Lynnlake said...

You're an inspriation! You are beautiful in every way possible. I am really looking forward to sharing your journey!

Anonymous said...

Latisha-This is very good. I'm a Martha, Martha myself. It seemed like the Lord might have said "Candace, Candace" when this truth came to me. I'm glad you intend to be a student of the Word so that you can lead others to this "unchaining" truths of the Word. I will look forward to your gleanings as I pursue my own effort to become the woman God wants me to be. God bless you.
Candy Miller

Unknown said...

Latisha-How wonderful it is to know you! and as a Mary, myself, I am grateful for my Martha Friend. You are such an inspiration and your words assist me in knowing that there is a time to set at the feet of our Lord and there is also a time to check things off our Lists. God Bless you and your family.
Rosemary Russell

marlene said...

Enjoy your writings. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. God bless you :) Marlene

joyfully2b4u said...

"He was saying that His time with them was shorter that she thought, and that, if she only knew, she would order take out instead of trying to put on an impressive spread, and sit down by Him too"


Anonymous said...

God created both types, it isn't a sin to be a Martha, only Martha was trying to turn Mary into a Martha and Jesus was explaining to Martha that it was okay to be a Mary too!

Latisha said...

Thank you "Joyfully". I have made the correction. Often in my typing I mix "that" and "than" and it comes out "thatn"!

to Anon - thank you for pointing that out - I did not mean for it to sound that way! Both types of women are created by God and are "good".

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